Monday, March 5, 2012

   Today I made a plan. Do you make plans, lists? I come from a family of list makers, plan designers, schemers, and dreamers. We are great at making plans, having great ideas, our follow through is a little laking. So to day I made a plan. Like I said I have a lot to do to get ready for our BIG ADVENTURE.
Not only did I make a plan I took action on this plan. I was off and running at 9 am. This is early for me if I do not have a class to get to. I orchestrate the children getting off to school from my bed on most days.        
( I know shameful)
  Went to Walmart, Costco, Burlington, and Craigs Cuts. We were home by noon. Then I cleaned out a cupboard. We are moving so in my plan I have to clean out one cupboard, closet, drawer or book shelf everyday. I hope that way I will be ahead of the game when it comes to the actual packing of the boxes.
  We are going to have a massive yard sale in May, mark your calendar if you live in the area. We came down here with almost nothing so that means I need to leave here with almost nothing. We have a house full of stuff at home.
   Also in my plan is to loose weight. This is always on my plan. I struggle. I have a lofty goal of doing a 10k before we go home. Have you ever done a 10k. I am not fast at all but I have done a few 5ks. I want to have a new goal. So I also went to the gym with the kids for 1.5 hrs.
  Oh and I have to finish my nursing program and pass the NCLEX.
  Thats not to much do you think?

  This is what the boys did to prepare the RV for our upcoming "test drive" to Zions.


Spidey OB said...

Just run at least 3-5 times a week for 20 min, go at what ever pace is good for you, just try to run the WHOLE time and I guarantee you will start losing weight!!! --your bro JR

David Gardner said...

Sounds like fun! We took off last November. We're blogging at Also, check out, or their facebbook group at Have Fun! It's been a great adventure for us so far.

Kati said...

Good luck to your family. My family is also LDS we left for the road 5 years about. We have been in a house for 1 year yep ready to hit the road again. We leave in a few months. Good luck!!